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RTI for Middle and High Schools: An Overview for Educators
Jim Wright, Presenter

On Thursday, 14 June 2012, Jim Wright presented to the Advisory Councils of the Greene CSD Middle and High Schools to present on the topic RTI for Middle and High Schools: An Overview for Educators.

Here are PowerPoints and other resources shared during that visit. NOTE: To download and save these files to your computer, right-click and choose 'Save Target As...':


RTI for Middle and High Schools: An Overview for Educators: PPT in pdf format

Workshop Handout


RTI: Audit
Jim Wright, Presenter

On Monday, 21 May 2012, Jim Wright visited the primary and intermediate grade levels in the Greene, NY, school district to perform an RTI audit.

Here are PowerPoints and other resources shared during that visit. NOTE: To download and save these files to your computer, right-click and choose 'Save Target As...':

Response to Intervention: Quality Indicators: PPT in pdf format

Key RTI Elements: A Checklist

RTI Tier Description: Tier 1 Core Instruction; Tier 1 Intervention; Early Tier 2; Advanced Tier 2: Tier 3

RTI Information Sources from the New York State Education Department and the NYS RTI TAC

New York State Education Department Guidance Document on RTI. Released in October 2010, this NYSED guidance document provides a guide to schools at any grade level in how to structure their RTI model and services.

NYS RTI Technical Assistance Center. This site provides resources and guidance for NYS schools on implementation of RTI.

NYSED 2008 RTI Guidance Memo. This memo presents the main points of the Regents Policy Framework on RTI for schools.

NYSED Part 100 Regulations on RTI. This subsection of Part 100.2 (NYSED regulations) describes expectations for RTI for all schools.

RTI Readiness Checklist. This checklist from the NYS RTI Technical Assistance Center allows schools to self-administer a quick 'RTI Readiness Check'.


Websites to Evaluate Commercial Intervention Programs

What Works Clearinghouse Program Reviews. This website reviews core instruction and intervention programs in reading/writing, as well as other academic areas. The site reviews existing studies and draws conclusions about whether specific intervention programs show evidence of effectiveness.

Best Evidence Encyclopedia. This site provides reviews of evidence-based reading and math programs.The website is sponsored by the Johns Hopkins University School of Education's Center for Data-Driven Reform in Education (CDDRE) .

Instructional Intervention Tools Page. Sponsored by the National Center on RTI, this page provides ratings to intervention programs in reading, math, and writing. Users can streamline their search by subject and grade level.
Websites to Compare RTI Screening & Progress-Monitoring Tools

National Center on RTI: Screening Tools Rating Page

National Center on RTI: Progress-Monitoring Tools Rating Page

NYSED Student Assessments for Use by School Districts and BOCES in Teacher and Principal Evaluations


Web Resources: These web sites offer additional intervention resources that schools may find helpful:

What Works Clearinghouse Practice Guides. These short (60-100 page) manuals give research-based ideas for teachers and schools for interventions.

Reading Interventions Manual from Jim Wright. This manual uses intervention ideas taken from the National Reading Panel Report of 2000. It contains 4 reading fluency interventions, and 10 interventions for reading comprehension.

Cognitive Strategy Instruction . This website presents a series of interventions in which students are taught thinking strategies that they can use to perform better in reading, mathematics, writing, studying, and other areas. The site was created by Dr. Bob Reid and Torri Lienemann at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

Ideas to Boost Basic Academic Skills . This site, 'Scientifically Based Research', contains interventions that target reading, math, and writing. The strategies were written by Dr. Amanda VanDerHeyden of the University of Southern California at Santa Barbara and Dr. Joe Witt of Louisiana State University.

Reading, Math, & Writing Interventions from MSU . Find pages featuring intervention ideas to improve reading comprehension, writing, and math skills on this site. It is sponsored by the School Psychology Program at Michigan State University.

Intervention Central . The site has a range of academic and behavioral intervention ideas suitable for middle and high schools.

Florida Center for Reading Research. Explore reading interventions and lesson plans for elementary students.

FreeReading. This site has reading intervention ideas taken from the National Reading Panel study of 2000.

Evidence-Based Intervention Network. Created by Dr. Chris Riley-Tillman at the University of Missouri, this site has research-based intervention scripts for academics and behavior.

Behavior Advisor . Dr. Tom McIntyre of Hunter College offers research-based behavioral strategies for whole groups and individual students..NOTE: You must create a log-in account before you can access the free intervention ideas on this site.

Writing Next . Writing Next report on promoting adolescent writing skills (2007) from the Carnegie Corporation of NY.

National Mathematics Advisory Panel Report. Curriculum and instructional recommendations from the 2008 National Math Panel.


Who Is Jim Wright?
Jim Wright, M.S., is a certified school psychologist and school administrator in central New York State. He is the creator of Intervention Central (, a popular website featuring free student intervention ideas.

Jim has over 17 years experience working in public schools. He is now a full-time trainer and consultant to schools and organizations on issues relating to Response to Intervention. He trains throughout New York and nationally on RTI topics, including curriculum-base measurement, team-based problem-solving, and academic and behavioral interventions. Most recently, Jim has published 'The RTI Toolkit: A Practical Guide for Schools' [book] and The Power of RTI: Classroom Management Strategies K-6 [DVD] through National Professional Resources, Inc.(


McDougal, J. L., Graney, S. B., Wright, J. A., & Ardoin, S. P. (2009). RTI in practice: A practical guide to implementing effective evidence-based interventions in your school. New York: John Wiley & Sons.

Wright, J. (2008). The power of RTI: Classroom management strategies (K-6) [DVD] .Port Chester, NY: National Professional Resources, Inc.

Wright, J. (2007). The RTI toolkit: A practical guide for schools. Port Chester, NY: National Professional Resources, Inc.

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